Support for Health Professionals and Carers.

Connect your patients with services to support their unique independence and mobility goals.

About our support

Although our beloved Guide Dogs play a crucial role in much of what we do, we have a wide range of versatile supports to meet the unique needs of a range of patients from newborns to mature adults.

  • Occupational Therapists support people to achieve individual goals in everyday life, including personal care, domestic tasks, and recreational activities.
  • Orientation & Mobility Specialists work with people to identify personal mobility goals to be safe and independent accessing their community, using public transport, crossing roads and more.
  • Assistive Technology Specialists understand the best equipment to support independence with a range of activities.
  • Counselling support can help you build strategies to overcome any difficult feelings and continue living a fulfilling life, no matter where you are in your low vision journey.
  • Leisure and lifestyle programs help you to connect with other people to form new friendships, enjoy activities and share stories and experiences.

Support for Carers

We’re here to support you, to support them.

We know how important it is that you feel confident and have the right knowledge and skills to be able to best support the person you care for. Together, we can support your loved one to live life with confidence.

We have a highly experienced and friendly team who are excited to work with you to help you meet reach your goals. Our dedicated instructors are on hand to help you or your loved one live the life you want.

To find out more about how we can support you, to support them, call our friendly team on 3500 9060, email or complete our online contact form below.

A mother and young child embrace. The mother is cuddling her child from behind.

Options for financial assistance

Guide Dogs Queensland can provide services through the following funding programs:

Clients Makayla and Reilly sitting next to each other.


We can support people with un-correctable vision loss. They may be diagnosed with, though certainly not limited to:

  • Partial / Total Vision Loss
  • Glaucoma
  • Anirida
  • Ocular Albinism
  • Hereditary vision loss, e.g. Retinitis Pigmentosa
  • Age Related Macular Degeneration
  • Visual field loss from brain injury e.g. Hemianopia
  • Visual Agnosia

Whether your patient is young or young-at-heart; if they have recently experienced a change in vision or had long-term low vision; whether they are looking for a Guide Dog or non-dog support services — we will always provide support.

If you’re ever unsure, call us for a chat on 1800 810 122.

When you might refer

For example, a patient who has had a recent stroke may experience difficulties due to functional vision loss—without a clinical presentation—which may create challenges for their wider rehabilitation program because of issues with awareness, balance or mobility.

A person struggling with low vision might experience difficulty with:

  • Independence in the home: For example, difficulty handling tools in the shed or maintaining safety in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Personal care: For example, difficulty grooming, identifying clothes and managing hair or makeup.
  • Technology: For example, struggling to use devices like phones, TVs or computers.
  • Recreation: At school, out shopping or within the community.
  • General mobility: Consider making a referral in any instance where you’re unsure how a person will travel home, if they have experienced any unexpected falls, or suffer common headaches.
  • Counselling: To help you overcome any difficult feelings and continue living a fulfilling life, no matter where you are in your low vision journey
A person crossing the road with their white cane while a Guide Dog's staff member walks beside them. They are both looking at the camera smiling.

What to include in your referral

Nothing is mandatory for referral, but the more information you can provide, the better. In an ideal case, your referral will include each patient’s:

  • Discharge summary
  • Vision report
  • If they have funding eg. NDIS or a Funding status, e.g. NDIS Participant
  • Additional context or supporting information

Refer a patient now

Complete a quick and easy referral to support your patient's confidence and independence through leading vision and mobility services.

    Request a service from Guide Dogs

    Referrals are welcomed from individuals, family members and health professionals. All responses are mandatory unless otherwise specified.

    Fields marked with * are required.

    Your details

    Their details

    By proceeding, I agree to have my personal information handled in accordance with Guide Dog Queensland's Privacy Policy.