Your thanks to Hank and a sparkling future for Sparky

March 04, 2024
Image of Helen and Hank

Helen’s Christmas present was just the best. Hundreds of Queenslanders like you sent in their well-wishes for Helen’s Guide Dog Hank as he headed into retirement.

“I was so deeply touched by all the messages to Hank,” Helen said.

“It just means so much to know how loved Hank is, right across Queensland, even by those who never met him.

“The messages were so special to me and my good friend Nerida—we certainly had a tear or two in our eyes as she read them to me.”

Hank is now enjoying a comfortable retirement with one of Helen’s friends and enjoys hearing some of your messages each night, before he goes to bed.

Helen’s new Guide Dog, Sparky, is now following on in Hank’s furry paw prints. At the end of last year, Sparky even guided Helen on their first big trip together —a train trip holiday to Far North Queensland—and his impressive guiding skills earnt him compliments and treats everywhere they went.

Thank you for supporting the next generation of Guide Dogs like Sparky who will transform more lives like Helen’s in 2024.
