Out and about with the MiniGuide

February 19, 2019

Last month a few members of the Guide Dogs Queensland community took to the streets of Sandgate to test out a form of Assistive Technology called the MiniGuide.

They braved the hot summer sun to discover how the MiniGuide could help them move through their community with increased confidence and independence.

For long cane user Jaceen Ross, new tools like the MiniGuide have helped to boost her confidence.

“Losing my vision has been a very emotional journey but learning how to use new tools like the MiniGuide is very empowering,” Jaceen said.

The MiniGuide uses sound waves to detect objects in the immediate vicinity, allowing people with low or no vision to navigate different environments more safely and confidently.

Assistive Technologies like the MiniGuide are designed to be used in conjunction with a long cane or a Guide Dog, enabling users to be even more active in their community.

Guide Dog handler Grazie Zaninello pointed out how the MiniGuide can give her extra confidence when she is moving through busy public places with her Guide Dog ‘Sage’.

“‘Sage’ is brilliant, but I don’t realise the obstacles all around me when she is weaving me through a crowd,” Grazie said.

“I’ve really enjoyed learning how to use the MiniGuide because it has helped give me that extra bit of independence.”

Navigating vision loss can be difficult, but with the help of Assistive Technology, you can regain confidence and independence.

To find out more about how these programs could help you or someone you know, call us on 3500 9060 or email
