Lis’s Story

While we may be best known for our highly-skilled Guide Dogs, it’s the generosity of our supporters and our incredible community fundraisers who make their journey possible.
Often we underestimate just how important our time can be, but any contribution, big or small, can make a huge impact. Whether you’ve got a spare hour, a spare day, or you’re interested in helping out regularly, your support is hugely appreciated.
Community fundraising is a great opportunity to get involved with your community, meet new people and get that warm fuzzy feeling from knowing you’re helping to make a difference.
Long-time volunteer and community fundraiser Lis Foat understands that giving any time you can is invaluable.
“It costs quite a lot of money to raise and train Guide Dogs, so I try to donate my time when I can to help collect as much funds as I can,” Lis said.
“Every small part helps to make a world of difference to this wonderful cause.”
This band of dedicated volunteer fundraisers are often involved in hosting stalls in shopping centres and train stations, as well as being a part of special events like Street Appeals.
Without the efforts of our valued community fundraisers, our Guide Dogs wouldn’t be able to em-bark on their im-paw-tant journeys!
If you’re interested in lending a paw and fundraising, you can click here to find out more.