Lesa’s story

February 19, 2019

For Lesa Elliott, the emotional side of losing her vision has been one of the most difficult aspects of her journey.

The ambiguity around what the future will be like with changing vision has been difficult to process and prepare for.

Since contacting Guide Dogs Queensland, Lesa has been able to attend programs that have helped her to prepare for whatever the future may bring.

In particular, the three day Better Living Program has enabled her to confront fears that have previously been difficult for her to share and acknowledge.

Aimed at helping people deal with the emotional side of vision loss, Lesa found sharing her experiences alongside others in the program has helped her to feel more comfortable as she adjusts to the changes in her life.

“It gets you to go deep and you put everything on the table,” Lesa said.

“It’s been very beneficial in getting me ready for the future and there’s brilliant people to work with. You make lifelong friends well.”

She admitted that it has still been difficult coming to terms with her vision loss, saying that she is “fiercely independent”.

But it seems like there isn’t much that can stop Lesa. Only days after completing a course with a new Electronic Travel Aid, Lesa snapped a few photos of herself using it while out riding her horse Holly!

With the help of these programs and support from her peers, Lesa is able to remain independent and continue doing what she loves.

If you or someone you know could benefit from receiving support like Lesa, click here for more information.

