Le-Anne’s Story

Le-Anne was born with congenital glaucoma, which means she has been vision impaired since birth.
Over the years her vision has started to deteriorate more rapidly, but she was always able to cope with the love and support of her husband. When he passed away two years ago, Le-Anne was forced to accept that she needed to seek outside assistance.
“When my husband passed away one of my friends eventually said ‘We need to do something Le-Anne’ and she actually called Guide Dogs Queensland for me,” she said.
Le-Anne started on her path to independence with Guide Dogs in August through the Better Living Program and has just recently completed our introductory long cane program.
“The whole experience has been a huge confidence builder,” she said.
“I can’t believe how confident I’m feeling after just a week of learning how to use the cane. I’ve also learnt to look up and use my remaining vision and see the world which is just great.
“At the moment I don’t ever leave the house alone, so I hope now I’ll be able to get out on my own without feeling like I need someone with me.”
Now Le-Anne has started on her journey, she’s already eager to come back for more training to perfect her skills with the long cane.
“I’m working on mastering the cane for now and then I’ll probably want a Guide Dog one day.
“It’s nice to know that my options are open with Guide Dogs.”
Le-Anne would encourage anyone who may be experiencing some problems with their vision not to wait to seek assistance.
“I’m not good with change but it’s the best thing I’ve ever done really. You’re silly not to at least look into it!”
If you or someone you know needs assistance with their vision, click here to find out more or call us on 1800 810 122.