A warm fuzzy bond like no other

February 27, 2020

One of the ways we want to celebrate our 60th anniversary is by sharing stories from our clients, volunteers, supporters, and team about how Guide Dogs has impacted their lives.

Sunshine Coast father Ricky is one of the people you have helped in the past year be matched with his first Guide Dog, Stark. They wanted to be the first to share their warm fuzzy story.

“It used to be so difficult to navigate the outside world and I became trapped inside my own home,” Ricky said of the past 15 years that he had been experiencing vision loss.

That was before Ricky was matched with his first Guide Dog – Stark, a beautiful black labrador who quickly became his eyes, and his best mate.

“We instantly bonded on our first walk along the beach,” Ricky said. “He stopped and put his head on my leg as if to say ‘I’m staying with you’.”

Tasks that were once too difficult to do on his own, together Ricky and Stark now conquer them all.

“He’s my shadow. Everywhere I go, he goes and he always likes to be touching me with his warm fuzzy paw or his head, to reassure me that he’s there.”

This incredible partnership is only possible because of the generosity of supporters like you. Thanks to you, Ricky can live his life in the way he wants to and Ricky’s daughter, Tailah, now doesn’t have to worry.

“Stark has given Dad so much confidence in himself. He used to think that things were too hard and there was too much to think about, but now he believes in himself,” Tailah said. “Whenever my Dad left the house, I used to feel so scared and anxious about what could go wrong. Then he was matched with Stark. Now I know everything will be okay, with his friend by his side.”


This is Ricky’s warm fuzzy story. What is yours? Contact us today to share your story or tag us on social media @guidedogsqld.

If you would like to make a donation to Guide Dogs you can learn about the different ways we accept donations here – thank you for your generous support.
