Your Vision Clinics

February 19, 2019

Are you or is someone you know looking for support on how to manage changing vision?

Your Vision Clinics are a wonderful source of information and support for anyone at any stage of vision loss, and there is no cost for the assessments or discussions with our professional teams! At these clinics you can explore your options, chat to our instructors and build the foundations for your future.

We understand that each individual is different and we’re dedicated to providing programs and services that can be tailored to suit everyone.

At these clinics, you can get information on the services that will be helpful to you, including:

  • Assistance getting around your community (Orientation and Mobility)
  • Help at home (Occupational Therapy)
  • Counselling and peer support
  • Training with mobility tools (long canes and Electronic Travel Aids)
  • Aids and equipment for daily living
  • Assistance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

We are proud to offer these clinics to Queenslanders living in both metro and regional areas across the state.

If you would like more information on these events, please call 3500 9060 or email
