The story behind the resident unicorn

Have you ever seen the mysterious unicorn on the side of the new Breeding Centre?
The enchanting unicorn has been placed there in memory of a supporter who left a gift in her Will to help fund the centre’s redevelopment.
When we were discussing with the supporter’s family the best way to recognise the generous contribution, we were told a story of the supporter’s passion for animals, her love of Guide Dogs, and her fascination with unicorns after seeing The Lady and the Unicorn tapestries at the Palace of Versailles in France.
With the support of her family, instead of choosing a plaque on the redeveloped facility, the unicorn now features proudly on the side of the centre to represent her generosity and free spirit.
Her gift will now be remembered every time a visitor, supporter, volunteer or staff member asks – “Why is there a unicorn on the Breeding Centre?”
We think this is a fitting tribute to her and to her family, and her legacy will live on through the Guide Dogs Queensland community.