The Better Living Program

August 20, 2018

Looking on the bright side can be challenging at times, but it can be especially difficult to find the positives when it comes to losing your vision.

Our Better Living Program aims to assist Queenslanders with this adjustment, teaching useful tools to cope with feelings around vision loss and provide practical skills for everyday living.

Guide Dogs Queensland Psychologist Janet describes the three day program as an opportunity for people to explore their emotions and learn effective strategies to manage them.

“The Better Living Program helps our clients understand the impact of vision impairment and identify the losses associated with losing sight,” Janet said.

“For a lot of people, vision loss can automatically be associated with the loss of independence, mobility and freedom – which can be quite confronting.

“We take a holistic approach to the individual journeys of everyone we help, and do all that we can to ensure they have the support they need to accept their condition, remain motivated and be empowered to continue living life to the fullest.”

The program involves a mix of learning from our professional team, as well as having the opportunity to share and socialise with others who are in a similar situation.

Sunshine Coast resident Glenys said sharing with others during the program helped to improve her outlook by providing her with effective strategies to assist with communication and mindfulness.


“The program was incredibly valuable to learn about myself and be able to spend time with others in a similar situation to me,” Glenys explained.

“Losing your vision is an overwhelming and difficult experience, but we learnt a wide range of healthy coping strategies and ways to process any grief we felt.

“Vision loss can sometimes feel like a lonely journey, but this class brought us together to share our experiences. I’ve realised that I never have to deal with it by myself because I have the support Guide Dogs with me all the way, and I’d really recommend the program to anyone dealing with vision loss.”

If you or someone you know has been affected by vision loss and would benefit from attending the Better Living Program or receiving any of our other services, visit our Counselling and Psychology page to learn more.


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