Our paw-some new look!

January 18, 2018

Forget about the cat walk, all eyes were on the “dog walk” on Thursday as we launched a fresh new uniform look for our iconic Guide Dogs.


Image of a black Guide Dog lying in a new bright orange coat

There weren’t any fashion “fur-paws” in sight as our furry four-legged models took to the runway and flaunted the new training coats making their debut across the country.

While our Guide Dog harnesses are easily recognisable, the launch of these new training coats for dogs still learning to guide is particularly significant, as it’s the first nationally branded Guide Dogs coat to be used across Australia.

The new coats feature a reflective bright orange colour for visibility and are made of a highly breathable material to keep the dogs cool – and looking cool – when they are working.  What’s more important though, is what they represent.

When you see a Guide Dog wearing one of our new coats in the community, it means they are on an important journey and working towards fulfilling the life-changing role of being someone’s guiding eyes.

Whether a dog is walking, sitting or sleeping, a Guide Dog should not be patted, fed or distracted.  It also means these dogs are legally allowed to go anywhere their trainer or handler can, to assist with their training.

You can do your bit by making sure our handlers and their dogs feel welcome, and that your pet dog is on a leash and under control whenever you see a Guide Dog in harness or in one of our new bright orange training coats.

The new coats were made possible thanks to the support of Guide Dogs Australia’s national partner ADVANCETM and are the result of a period of testing and consultation with all Guide Dog schools across the country.

Click here to support our future Guide Dogs throughout their training journey.


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