Miracle pups ready to change lives

July 29, 2020

This time last year, we shared with you the story of the six ‘H’ litter puppies that were fighting for their lives.

Today, thanks to your support, these miracle puppies are ready to start their formal guide dog training.

‘Hendrix’, ‘Harvey’, ‘Hector’, ‘Hero’, ‘Harper’ and ‘Halle’ are all affectionate, playful, cheeky yellow Labradors that are gearing up to take on the role of a lifetime.

When the ‘H’ litter was born prematurely, none of the pups were expected to survive. Thankfully, the siblings were safely delivered into the world and have progressed through the various stages of their training.

The miracle litter puppies at two weeks old with Mum Nora

The pups will soon be assessed for formal guide dog training, and if successful, will enter the 20-week intensive training to become a qualified guide dog. The training will involve three major assessments, where the dogs demonstrate how to safely guide the blindfolded trainer.

'Hendrix', 'Harvey', 'Hector', 'Hero', 'Harper' and 'Halle' sitting side by side on concrete.

‘Hendrix’, ‘Harvey’, ‘Hector’, ‘Hero’, ‘Harper’ and ‘Halle’.


Guide Dog Services General Manager Lee Buckingham said the recovery and progress of the litter was incredible and thanked the community for their amazing support.

“After such a rocky start, the ‘H’ litter are doing exceptionally well in their training,” Lee said.

“The community has shown their support for these pups since day one. They wouldn’t be taking the steps they are today without the Guide Dogs community, and I really thank you for that.”

It takes a community to raise a guide dog, and now, thanks to you, these six puppies have the chance to go on and become life-changing companions.


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