Kathy’s Story

August 20, 2018

After volunteering for six years, she’s come to realise it’s much more than just furry faces and wagging tails.

Before Kathy began volunteering with Guide Dogs Queensland, she thought the organisation was only about dogs.

Image of a volunteer standing with two adults and a child playing swish

Kathy has helped in many different ways.

“I began to volunteer for Guide Dogs to fulfil something on my bucket list because I think it’s amazing what the dogs do for people and I wanted to get involved,” Kathy said.

“The big thing I’ve come to understand since volunteering is how much Guide Dogs Queensland does for people aside from just the dogs. There’s a huge range of work that they do which not many people realise. That’s why I’ve kept volunteering.”

Kathy has helped in many different ways including giving up her time at a number of fundraising events, but has recently started volunteering her time at Swish games. Swish is a fast invigorating game similar to table tennis but uses balls with bells to assist those with low or no vision to play.


