Guide Dogs supporter Joy’s secret to longevity: chocolate, bubbles and puppy cuddles

August 07, 2020

Joy Dempsey has spent decades of her life supporting Guide Dogs, so when her 100th birthday rolled around there was only one thing on her wishlist: a puppy play date with some of the cutest pups on Earth – guide dog pups!

“We are so excited that Joy wanted to celebrate this special milestone with us, meeting some of the puppies she helps support with her generous donations.” Guide Dogs Queensland CEO Michael Kightley said.

Her birthday party was slightly delayed due to coronavirus restrictions, but as soon as it was safe to visit, Joy was ready to party.

She was joined by three generations of her family including granddaughter Alanna and great-grandson George.

“To come here today and actually see it all has been absolutely wonderful. I loved every minute of it, absolutely loved it,” Joy said.

While Joy didn’t quite get away with smuggling a puppy out underneath her jumper, she did get plenty of cuddles from puppies Benny, Bobby and Bella.

Her birthday party was also featured in The Courier-Mail and on the Channel 10 news which you can watch here. 

A screenshot of the Courier Mail article featuring Joy Dempsey holding a yellow guide dog pup

It’s the dedication of supporters like Joy who make it possible for Guide Dogs to offer vital services to Queenslanders living with vision loss.

And Joy’s secret to longevity?

“My secret is just good food, bubbles, good chocolate and lots of puppy cuddles!” Joy said.
