Egg-sellent Easter Holidays at Guide Dogs!

April 18, 2017

School holidays are what most kids dream of and for our youngest clients it’s no different!


Image of four children sitting on a lounge beside a Guide Dog Trainer and a yellow Guide Dog puppy

Over the Easter holidays we were joined by some of our younger clients in Grades 4-6 for a four day camp filled with tons of fun activities for both kids and parents. Some of the activities included outrigging, cuddles with an adorable Guide Dog puppy, learning how to navigate busy shopping centres and even doing some cooking with the ingredients they picked up at the shops!

While each child has a different vision impairment, every activity is used to help them develop their mobility skills which will help them to lead independent lives as they grow older.

Orientation and Mobility Specialist Cathryn said that the camps are a great learning experience for both the kids and parents alike.

“The children really love being able to come on their own little holiday for the camps, and seeing them challenge each other is really a bonus,” said Cathryn.

“Taking them grocery shopping is always a highlight because they get to develop practical skills by organising what to buy and then use the ingredients to make afternoon tea for everyone.

“We also try to provide as much support to the parents on the camps as possible by teaching them about the services available to their children as they grow older and how they can help to give their child the tools and support they need to live their lives to the fullest.”

Mum Jenna said the experience was very beneficial for her son Baron, who thrived off the social interaction with other kids his age during the camps.

“This was one of the first camps Baron has been to where all the other kids are his age, and you can really see how much they all enjoy being with each other,” she said.

“They learn off each other too by watching how they do things differently, and these activities are specifically designed to push them to learn new mobility skills that will really help them in the future.”

We hope that all the kids who attended a camp this school holiday had an amazing experience. If you would like to find out more about any of our upcoming camps or the programs we offer for children, please call us on 1800 810 122.
