Brisbane’s Cross River Rail project

September 06, 2023

Did you know we are one of Australia’s most trusted service providers for people with low vision or blindness? Representing the community, we work to advocate for equal access to services, systems, infrastructure, and community spaces.

If you are in Brisbane, you may be aware of the new Cross River Rail project. A new rail line of twin tunnels that travel under the Brisbane River and CBD.

Our team have been working with the Cross River Rail Accessibility Reference Group since 2020 to ensure all people in the community can safely and comfortably access platforms and board trains.

In preparation for the new rail, a mock underground station has been created – fitted out as a foyer, a platform, and even train doors. The Reference group, alongside members of the low vision community, have been testing and providing feedback of the platform layout, braille and tactile signage, rubber fingers that bridge the gap and width of platform doors.

“The team are proud to be a prominent voice in this space,” said Jeremy Hill, Guide Dogs Principal Advisor.

“This project has not only allowed us to improve Brisbane’s transport system but has also enabled us to develop a toolkit for Cross River Rail that will now be utilised for other Queensland Rail projects in the future,” he said.

Specifically, the team focus on ensuring
• Signage is clear – including colour contrast and font type
• Use of colour contrast on barriers can be seen properly
• Tactile ground service indicators are placed safely and correctly – including where to go to access the disability carriage.
• Help buttons for staff assistance is available
• Staff are trained to assist people with low or no vision in person or over the phone
• Accessible maps are available to access other platforms or the exit
• Most importantly, station consistency – ensuring all these resources are the same across all stations so people with low vision or blindness can apply what they’ve be taught at any station.

Additionally, to the new rail project, seven platforms on Brisbane’s south side will be upgraded with accessibility in mind. These include Salisbury, Rocklea, Moorooka, Yeerongpilly, Fairfield and Dutton Park. This is only just the beginning and we look forward to working with stakeholders on future projects.

Learn more about how we work across the advocacy space:

[Image description: Members of Cross River Rail’s Accessibility Reference Group sit together at a train station platform. Some people are in wheelchairs, some hold long-canes and there is a Guide Dog sitting at the front of the group.]

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