Be weirdly wonderful says Jenny Woolsey

November 12, 2019

For Jenny Woolsey, being different is something like a superpower.


Jenny standing on an under cover pathway holding her pink cane.

As a young girl, Jenny largely ignored her deteriorating vision because she didn’t want to stand out, but now she uses the tagline be weirdly wonderful to inspire others to accept their differences and embrace the things that make them stand out.

Jenny attributes some of this newfound confidence to the assistance provided to her by Guide Dogs Queensland.

“I wouldn’t have been able to do what I’m doing without help from Guide Dogs Queensland. People comment on how much my confidence has grown since getting my cane.” Jenny said.

“Before Guide Dogs I never travelled on buses or planes and I had a phobia of making phone calls. I’ve now been to Sydney twice, I travel on buses – I travelled here on a bus today! – and after the instructors sat with me down to make a phone call, I feel comfortable making them.”

It is thanks to generous community support, that Guide Dogs Queensland is able to provide assistance to help people like Jenny develop their confidence and independence.

Jenny is now a passionate author and public speaker, determined to help other people and spread positivity and acceptance. She has published five children’s books all focused on difference, diversity and disability.

Jenny at the 2019 Guide Dogs Graduation ceremony standing beside a Guide Dogs instructor, president Richard Anderson and Member for Aspley Bart Mellish.

Jenny at the 2019 Guide Dogs Graduation ceremony receiving her certificate for completing Long Cane training.

“I wanted to be a writer when I was a little girl and I’ve rediscovered this enjoyment as an adult. I had the chance to reinvent myself and writing has helped me with this.”

“My dream is to be an international speaker promoting self-confidence and helping people to embrace their differences and individuality.”

Jenny says that she has even had people approach her about where they can get assistance for their own vision impairment.

“I have people coming up to me to ask where I got my cane from and I tell them about Guide Dogs Queensland. I want to help people because my confidence has increased so much since I reached out to get some help.

“Life has just opened up for me.” Jenny said.

You can find Jenny’s children’s books online at amazon and booktopia or on her website

If you want to help more people like Jenny develop their confidence and achieve their personal goals, donate here.


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