Welcome to the Peak Body for Low Vision and Blindness

A person sitting with a Guide Dog's staff member. The staff member is writing on a small white board on her laptop while the person is looking at the board. The person is holding a white cane in their hands.

We are proud to partner with the Queensland Department of Child Safety, Disability Services and Seniors to assist all Queenslanders regardless of their eye condition or where they are in their vision loss journey.

At Guide Dogs, our mission is to enable people with low vision or blindness to gain the freedom and independence to move safely and confidently around their communities. That way, every person has the chance to fulfil their potential and live the life of their choosing.

As a peak body, Guide Dogs receives funding to provide information, referral services, advocacy and community awareness to anyone who is seeking it. This means we don’t just talk about what Guide Dogs does, but all services available to people experiencing low vision or blindness.

Our aim is to be a reliable source of information and support for anyone experiencing vision loss or for those people who care for someone else with low or no vision.

Whether it be through accident, illness, injury, genetic inheritance or an ongoing condition, anyone can experience vision loss at any time.

Vision is a broad spectrum between fully sighted and totally blind. Often, people imagine someone with a vision condition cannot see anything, but this is not necessarily the case.

Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) provides an overarching leadership and coordination role across funded peak bodies. QDN also provides information, advice and support to people with disability about their rights, available services and opportunities for economic and social participation.

Autism is a complex lifelong developmental disability that can cause differences in communication, interacting with others and experiences in everyday situations.

Includes people in the Deaf community, the Deaf community’s language and culture, and people with hearing impairment and hearing loss.

Conditions associated with intellectual disability, difficulties in learning and performing certain daily life skills and limitations of adaptive skills in the context of community environments compared to others of the same age. Examples include Down Syndrome, Williams Syndrome, Prader Willi Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, Fragile X, cri-du-chat syndrome.

Conditions that are attributable to a physical cause or impact on the ability to perform physical activities, such as mobility. Examples include paraplegia, quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, motor neurone disease, neuromuscular disorders, cerebral palsy, absence or deformities of limbs, spina bifida, arthritis, back disorders, ataxia, bone formation or degeneration, scoliosis.

Neurological disability applies to impairment of the nervous system occurring after birth, including epilepsy and organic dementias (for example, Alzheimer’s disease) as well as such conditions as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. Acquired brain injury is used to describe multiple disabilities arising from damage to the brain acquired after birth. Results in deterioration in cognitive, physical, emotional or independent functioning. May be as a result of accidents, stroke, brain tumours, infection, poisoning, lack of oxygen or degenerative neurological disease.

Developmental delay, global developmental delay—applies to children aged 0–5 where conditions have appeared in the early developmental period, but no specific diagnosis has been made and the specific disability group is not yet known.

Schizophrenia, affective disorders, anxiety disorders, addictive behaviours, personality disorders, stress, psychosis, depression and adjustment disorders.

Carers provide ongoing, unpaid care or support for family members or friends who need help with everyday tasks because of disability.

People with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, their family members and carers.

    Phone: (07) 3354 4900

People with disability, their families and carers, in the areas of Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall-Tambo, Boulia, Diamantina, Longreach, and Winton.

All Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples with disability including both adults and children with disability living in urban, regional, rural and remote areas of Queensland.
(To be advised following the outcome of an open grant process)

Contact us on 07 3500 9060, email us on clients@guidedogsqld.com.au or fill in the enquiry form below.

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