Guide Dog Davey and his full-circle legacy

July 10, 2024

In 2022, Guide Dogs gave the community an opportunity to name the ‘D’ litter puppies. Unsurprisingly there were several nominations to name a puppy ‘Davey’ after fallen officer, Senior Constable Dave Masters who was tragically killed on duty in 2021.

If you have been following Davey’s journey, you would have seen him progressing through his training as well as regular visits he has been making to the Deception Bay police station, where Davey feels right at home amongst his blue family.

Davey’s visits to the station are always a happy time despite the circumstances surrounding how he came into the lives of those who work at the station.

“Davey has become a valued member of the Deception Bay Police Station family. He never fails to bring a smile to our faces with his mischievous and cheeky personality”, Senior Sergeant Jason Higgs said. “His personality and nature are a true reflection of Dave Masters.”

Davey is now finished his Guide Dog training and has been matched with his Handler, Barb. Barb recently had to retire her previous Guide Dog and is a big believer in everything happening for a reason, her and Davey were meant to find each other.

Recently Barb and Davey visited the Deception Bay station, to meet with Dave’s brother, Al and his wife Liz.

“To have a dog named after Dave and follow his journey, seeing him and his personality grow and mature, and then to meet his new handler Barb, makes us as a family, really appreciate the people who support us., Al and Liz said.

At a time, which has seen so many challenges for those in the community, Davey is a true gift which has brough so much light and hope into the world.

“Barb and Davey are always welcome to visit us anytime. We cannot thank the team at Guide Dogs Queensland enough for making this happen,” Senior Sergeant Higgs said.


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