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Queensland low vision peak bodies
Blind Citizens Australia (BCA) is the national representative organisation of people who are blind or vision impaired. Their purpose is to inform, connect, and empower Australians who are blind or have low vision and the broader community.
Call (Toll Free): 1800 033 660
Text: 0436 446 780
Email: bca@bca.org.au
Website: www.bca.org.au
Facebook: BCA on Facebook
Twitter: BCA on Twitter
Braille House is a voluntary association of people specialising in tactual literacy to all states of Australia.
Location: 507 Ipswich Road, Annerley QLD 4103
Postal Location: PO Box 610 Annerley QLD 4103
Telephone: 07 3848 5257
Email: coordinator@qbwa.org.au
Website: https://www.braillehouse.org.au
Access personalised services and supports throughout Queensland to live the way you want, regardless of your vision level. We can help with Guide Dog Mobility training, Orientation and Mobility, Assistive Technology, Occupational Therapy, and Counselling and Psychology. We also offer Leisure and Lifestyle programs such as clay, cooking, fishing, wood carving and yoga.
Location: 1978 Gympie Rd Bald Hills QLD 4036
Postal Location: PO Box 5301, Brendale QLD 4500
Telephone: 07 3500 9001
Email: clients@guidedogsqld.com.au
Website https://qld.guidedogs.com.au
The Disability Advocacy Pathways team at Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion is a state-wide information and referral service. They aim to assist Queenslanders with disability, their families, friends, and carers, by providing referrals to advocacy and other support services as well as information to assist people to navigate systems and processes.
Telephone: 1800 130 582
Email: pathways@qai.org.au
Website: https://disabilitypathways.org.au
The Queensland Blind Association Inc. was established by a small group of blind people in Brisbane in February 1939, just prior to the outbreak of the second World War. Over 80 years since their inception, the focus of the Association remains the same: to provide real assistance to their legally blind members so they can live in a safe social environment and in comfort within the community.
Location: White Cane House, 26 Warwick Street, Annerley QLD 4103
Postal Location: PO Box 444 Annerley QLD 4103
Telephone: 07 3848 8888
Email: info@qldblind.org.au
Website https://www.qldblind.org.au
If you are blind or experiencing low vision, they can help you live life on your terms with tailored support.
Phone: 1300 84 74 66
Email: info@visionaustralia.org
Fax: 1300 847 329
Queensland low vision support groups
Blind and Visually Impaired Association Gold Coast offers a comfortable and caring environment for visually impaired people to share ideas, experiences and connect with others in a similar situation. Registered volunteers also help to increase confidence and overcome challenges.
Location: 14 Kalimna Drive, Broadbeach Waters Gold Coast QLD 4218
When: Wednesday 9am to 1pm
Phone: 0452 537 459
Email: baviahouse@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/baviahouse/
Website: www.bavia.org.au
Join the Boyne Low Vision group for informal catch ups with others in the low vision community.
Location: Boyne Island Community Hall, Cnr Wyndham and Hayes Avenue, Boyne Island QLD 4680
When: 10am to 12pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month
Contact Person: Cecily
Phone: 07 4973 7445
This community garden can be visited to experience plants through touch, feel and smell. Have a go at planting seeds and seedlings and harvesting herbs. This can be followed by morning or afternoon tea.
Location: 119 Haynes Road, Jensen
When: By appointment only
Contact: Chris
Phone: 0409 403 744
Email: bydahl@bigpond.com
Additional information: If you wish to become involved in the future development
of the garden and its maintenance contact Chris for more details.
Connect, Advocate, Inform, Enjoy.
Group for adults who are blind or vision impaired.
Location: The Stump Function Room. Atherton Hotel, 90 Main Street, Atherton, QLD.
When: 10:30 – 12.00, Third Tuesday of the month (February – November)
Contact: Linda
Phone: 0427 968 111
Additional information: Lunch available to purchase from thebistro/dining room. Stay and connect.
Join the Donald Simpson Community Centre Low Vision group for a relaxed social catch up. The Hearing Impaired group also meets every second Saturday of each month.
Location: Donald Simpson Community Centre, 172 Bloomfield St Cleveland QLD 4163
When: Second and fourth Wednesday of each month
Phone: 07 3821 1089
Email: contact@thedsc.com.au
The Northside Low Vision community support group has met twice a month for the past 30 years, providing a vital social network and practical assistance to its members as they cope with low vision in their daily lives. Our members are part of the wider community, and their lives are improved by being able to go out and interact with others in a partly active, yet safe and friendly environment.
Location: Nundah
Contact Person: Richard Stephens
Phone: 0417 076 731
Email: richard.stephens88@gmail.com
Join the Maryborough Low Vision and Blind Persons Social Group at the local RSL for a social catch up.
Location: Local RSL 163-175 Lennox St, Maryborough QLD 4650
When: First Monday of each month
Contact: Kath
Phone: 0437 282 360
The Southside Blind and Low Vision support group provides information, support, advice, friendship and a social outlet for the low vision community and their families, friends and carers.
Location: Library Meeting Room, Garden City Shopping Centre, Cnr Logan Road and Kessels Road Upper Mount Gravatt QLD 4122
When: Second Tuesday of each month
Contact: Peter
Phone: 07 3345 7421 or 0402 034 749
Join the Wynnum/Manly Low Vision group for a social catch up.
Location: Brisbane Bayside, Wynnum/Manly Leagues club
When: Third Tuesday of each month
Time: 12 pm
Phone: 0411 574 840 or 07 3396 0637
The Vision Impaired Friendship group, who are sponsored by the Bundaberg Talking Newspaper, promote social interaction for people with a short or long-term vision loss.
Swish and morning tea
Location: Bundaberg and District Family Centre, Kensington Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670
When: 9am to 11.30am on the first and second Thursday of each month and 9am to 11.30am on the fourth Monday of each month.
Contact Person: Gail Zunker
Phone: 0467 593 262
Cost: No cost for Swish
Social meeting, games, morning tea and lunch
Location: Bundaberg and District Family Centre, Kensington Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670
When: 9.30am to 12.30pm on the third Wednesday of each month
Contact: Gail Zunker or Joyce Donghi
Phone: 0467 593 262 or 07 4154 4149
Cost: Morning tea and lunch is $10
Additional information: Transport can be organised