Unlock accessibility for your guests and visitors with low vision and blindness.
Think about your business as it is currently. Now imagine entering your business under blindfold. Are the walkways and entrances clear of protruding obstacles? Is your venue well-lit or include high contrast colours to help identify doors from walls? Do you have tactile or clear signage to help people navigate your venue?
Guide Dogs is excited to present our accessibility toolkit for tourism operators, event organisers and anyone working in the tourism industry, to support them in making tourism experiences in Queensland accessible for all.
The Accessible Tourism toolkit was proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government.

Guidelines and Checklists
Accessibility and Inclusivity Guidelines for Tourism and Events Operators
Accessibility checklist: public events and festivals
Inclusive design practical tips and solutions
Factsheets and templates
This fact sheet aims to expose some of the common myths and misconceptions surrounding low vision or blindness and hopefully increase your understanding around the key issues.
Whether it be through accident, illness, injury, genetic inheritance, or an ongoing condition, anyone can experience vision loss at any time.
This factsheet aims to equip those in the hospitality and tourism industries with practical tips and strategies to improve and enhance accessibility when welcoming and assisting guests with low vision or blindness.
Guide Dogs provide more than just mobility benefits to their handlers. They enhance the social participation, well-being, and independence of a person with low vision or blindness.
Accessible Visitor Guide