Why your support is essential to our puppies
Sponsor a Guide Dog today… change a life forever.
It takes up to two years and $50,000 to breed, raise and train every working Guide Dog.
Although two years might sound like a long time, a working Guide Dog can change a person’s circumstances for life. Your support, through a sponsorship, can transform the lives of Queenslanders, helping them live the life they choose, through the help of a Guide Dog.
People tell us about their new sense of freedom; of safety; of potential; of independence; and of companionship. They can navigate obstacles more easily. They can go places that were previously impossible. A Guide Dog helps people regain the ability to do things many of us take for granted: catch public transport, go to school or work, connect with friends and family, or simply move through the community with confidence.
Sponsor a puppy
Change a life (and enjoy the cuteness) today!
You can ensure that Guide Dog puppies have the opportunity to fulfil their destiny, by helping Queenslanders with low vision reach their personal potential.
Different levels of sponsorship are available.
With a full sponsorship, you get to choose and name your puppy, have the puppy visit your home or workplace, and receive regular updates on his or her progress as they make the journey towards Guide Dog graduation.
The Guide Dog program is invaluable, and your support is absolutely critical. Sponsor an individual puppy today and change someone’s life for the better. Sponsorship is fully tax-deductible. Alternatively, you can support puppies by making a tax-deductible donation. Donations are used to buy play kits, comfy beds, puppy vaccination packs, and more.
Sponsorship is available for both individual people and as a corporate initiative. If you are interested in finding out more about this opportunity, or other major gift opportunities we currently have available, please call Kerry Cutting on
07 3500 9005 or click here.