Puppy Sponsorship

A yellow eight week old labrador puppy looking at the camera with a toy in its mouth.

Why your support is essential to our puppies

It takes up to two years and $50,000 to breed, raise and train every working Guide Dog.

Although two years might sound like a long time, a working Guide Dog can change a person’s circumstances for life. Your support, through a sponsorship, can transform the lives of Queenslanders, helping them live the life they choose, through the help of a Guide Dog.

People tell us about their new sense of freedom; of safety; of potential; of independence; and of companionship. They can navigate obstacles more easily. They can go places that were previously impossible. A Guide Dog helps people regain the ability to do things many of us take for granted: catch public transport, go to school or work, connect with friends and family, or simply move through the community with confidence.