Access Consulting

Making workplaces, leisure, travel and community spaces and services accessible for people living with low vision or blindness
A Guide Dog walking on to a bus.

As the Queensland Government’s peak body for low vision and blindness, we are passionate about working with everyone to ensure our spaces and communities are accessible to all.

Our Access Consultants specialise in providing solutions to improve the day-to-day usability of indoor and outdoor environments and essential services for people living with low vision or blindness.

Our Access Consultants are highly skilled and qualified in assisting people with low or no vision to move through environments confidently and safely. We also have a qualified understanding of the legislation and standards on the functional use of buildings, facilities and services.

We often work with other access consultants, disability groups and government and industry partners at all phases of a project, including design, prototype and implementation.

In a two-hour session, our Access Consultant will visit your place of business to:

  • identify and improve functional access challenges relating to people with low or no vision,
  • identify and recommend indoor and outdoor wayfinding (navigation) solutions,
  • discuss ways your business can work towards meeting and exceeding relevant legislation and Australian Standards, including those relating to Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs), Braille/tactile signage and luminance contrast,
  • provide consultation at the planning stage of an event/festival,
  • offer ‘walk-and-talk’ opportunities to establish whether a full access appraisal is needed.

For more information and pricing email or express your interest below.

“To ensure guests have confidence in our offerings and flexibility as an accessible/inclusive holiday destination, when working on our resort facilities for guests with low vision, we reached out to the team at Guide Dogs Queensland to conduct an Environmental Assessment of the resort. A Guide Dogs Qld Orientation and Mobility Specialist then provided expert advice pertaining to physical space, print materials, digital platforms and Braille, with a range of suggestions summarised in the completed site audit, all of which assisted us in upgrading our facilities to be more inclusive of people with low vision or blindness.

As one of the first tourism operators to use the services of Guide Dogs Queensland, we definitely encourage other tourism operators who are working through their accessibility and inclusivity plans to reach out to Guide Dogs Queensland for their assistance in making their product safer, more comfortable and accessible for all.”

– Tanya Cran, BIG 4 Adventure Whitsunday Resort

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to give the 20 Queenslanders on our waitlist a miracle of their own this Christmas - a loving, loyal Guide Dog